Lesser horseshoe bat roost mitigation – Dorset
Working with our client and the architects to propose practical and effective mitigation measures to ensure a lesser horseshoe bat roost’s conservation status. Presenting these measures and our survey results in an ecological report led to a successful planning application.
Pond & wildlife area creation – Shaftesbury
Revitalising an overgrown, heavily shaded and poorly maintained pond on school grounds to create an attractive, wildlife-friendly area to be enjoyed by students and teachers alike.
Bat roost creation – BAE Systems Bridgwater
Design and construction of three bat roosts for a sustainable business park in Bridgwater.
Ecological landscaping scheme and pond creation – CGG Veritas, Crawley
Transforming a recreational field space in Crawley into a wildlife haven. We installed a wildflower meadow turf, deadwood habitat piles, trees, shrubs, and a large pond.